The Potential of the Seed
Banish the Winter blues & shine thru the heaviness of the season!
Enrol NOW for my next session of classes starting July 20th.
Guaranteed to be nourishing, inspirational, playful, and (yes always) FUN!
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Below I've posed an article from my most recent newsletter.
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Below I've posed an article from my most recent newsletter.
If you'd like to receive info about my classes, workshops & events,
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Winter is the resting cycle for most of life. The nights are long anddominates. All of the natural world has drawn more inwards - from outward expression to dark, inner core. Perhaps you are feeling this deep calling to pull in, hole up, and stay warm and nourished this time of year? I know that I am!
We tend to have the notion that light is GOOD and dark is BAD. But when we look at the world around us, we see that BOTH aspects are part of life. BOTH the light and the dark have an appropriate and necessary time and place.
Sooner than we think, we'll delight in the promise of Spring and after that, the exhuberance of Summer! In these experiences, we often forget that what we are actually celebrating is the tenacious and potent power of the SEED.
It is IN THE DARK that we plant the seeds of our intentions! Whether it's under the deep, dark cover of soil or in the deep cave of the heart, the darkness IS the time that from these origin seeds we begin the manifestation of our dreams.
While it's important to move with the cycles of life and honour winter's call for quietness and introspection, it's also easy to succumb to the forces of heaviness, stagnation, and lethargy. Even while we are in the DARK, we recognize a longing inside for brighter days, inspiration, and upliftment! Now that we have passed the solstice, each day will get a little bit longer and if you really watch carefully you'll see Nature stirs just under the surfaces...
What do you long to create in your life right now?
Every artistic impulse begins with a SEED - a deep feeling, a longing of the heart.
When we move from this place of our deepest intentions, the process of life becomes fun, exciting, and inspiring!
In yoga, we practice being a co-creator in the art of life. From these inner seeds of longing, we craft our own intentions - what will we choose to create, manifest, and offer today?
On the yoga mat, we take different forms and dance our deep intentions into every part of the body using the vehicle of LIFE, the breath! Our practice becomes a spiritual art. We make ART with our bodies in a way that glorifies life, celebrates our heart, and honours the one spirit that unites us all.
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