June 1, 2007

Anusara Yoga in Vanity Fair Magazine

Vanity Fair Magazine recently featured John Friend (founder of Anusara Yoga) as one of the "world's greatest yoga masters"! John joins the company of other well-respected teachers including TVK Desikachar, B.K.S. Iyengar, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, and others.

Check out his photo here http://www.anusara.com/anusara/Images/articles/JF-VanityFair-June07.jpg

John's yoga posture is clearly impressive! However it's not just the physical form of the pose that is so compelling but rather how he expresses through his pose a feeling of freedom, courage, and steadiness in the midst of a bigger Flow.

It doesn't matter whether we are beginners or advanced yogis. In any yoga posture, each one of us has the same opportunity to embody and express the deepest qualities of our hearts.

"In Anusara yoga, it is the heart quality, the feeling (bhava) that is the source of the energetic expression of the pose. Without pure expression from the heart, a "pose" loses its power for deep inner transformation." JF

On the yoga mat, we can choose make each pose an offering of the best of ourselves. How do we want to participate in this present moment? What is the quality of our offering? When we choose to move from the heart--when we connect to and express what touches our soul--our postures [and our day-to-day life!] sing with a beautiful inner music.

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